Saturday, August 6, 2011

Selena Gomez Tweets 'Cyberbully' Praise to Emily Osment

Selena Gomez sent out a very special tweet to Emily Osment, star of "Cyberbullying," a special that aired on ABC Family over the weekend. Cyberbullying is a very serious topic, every bit as serious, if not more so, than bullying itself, as teens spend an increased amount of their lives online these days. It can be so much easier to bully someone over the internet than to bully someone face to face. Some people get some kind of sick pleasure out of bullying, and, unfortunately, it can result in some real and difficult consequences.
Emily Osment, a former "Hannah Montana" actress, received the following tweet from Selena Gomez: "You did such a good job!! Congrats RT @EmilyOsment: #cyberbully is trending!! WOO you guys are spectacular, thank you!"

Selena Gomez is known to speak out against bullying every chance she gets. Her song, "Who Says," was written with bullying in mind. It's important that people--teens in particular--who are looked up to, such as Selena and Emily Osment, spread this message about cyberbullying. It's way too easy to be mean when you're hidden behind a computer screen, and the results of a cyberbully's words can be life-ending, in some cases.

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